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If you attend mass at St. Mary of the Springs and plan to baptize here, need a letter of permission to baptize elsewhere, or a Godparent letter of good standing, please contact the office at 501-623-3233 and we will get you in touch with Cathy Heck (English), Vicente Gonzalez (Spanish), or Veronica Hughes (Spanish) our Baptism coordinators.


Godparent Requirements

Catholic godparents must be sixteen years old, have received all of the sacraments of initiation (Baptism, First Communion, and Confirmation), and be in good standing. Good standing means a person attends Mass regularly, observes the precepts of the Church, and, if married, is married in the Church. The norm is to have two godparents, one male and one female. At least one godparent must be Catholic. The other godparent may be a Christian Witness.


OCIA (Formerly RCIA)

If you are seven years or older and are interested in joining the church, please contact St. Mary's at 501-623-3233 about enrolling in our OCIA program, please contact the office and we will get you in touch with Jennifer Headlee for children or Samantha Millard for adults.  

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First Communion

First Communion is received after attending CCD classes through second grade or through the RCIA program. To find out more about your child receiving Holy Communion, please contact the office at 501-623-3233 and we will get you in touch with Jennifer Headlee (Children) or Samantha Millard with our RCIA program (Adults).



Preparation for Confirmation is handled through two different programs, Confirmation and RCIA.  Young people here at St. Mary of the Springs enroll in Confirmation preparation at the beginning of 8th grade. The Rite of Confirmation then takes place in the Spring of the 9th grade year. For more information, please call the office at 501-623-3233 and we will get you in touch with Jennifer Headlee, Director of Religious Education.


Adults who wish to be Confirmed participate in the RCIA program. For more information, please call the office at 501-623-3233 and we will get you in touch with Samantha Millard.


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Before beginning marriage prep, determine that both parties are "free to marry." If either the bride or groom has a previous marriage and civil divorce decree, an annulment must be obtained. Please call the office and ask to have an advocate assigned to you.

To begin preparation for marriage, please contact the church office to make an appointment with the pastor at least six months before your proposed date. Catholics wishing to marry are asked to provide a new copy of their baptismal certificate at the appointment with the pastor. For more information, please call the office and we will get you an appointment with the pastor.  (501-623-3233)

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Anointing of the Sick

If you or someone you know needs the sacrament of Anointing of the Sick or needs a blessing for the sick, please contact the church office and we will schedule an appointment for you with our priest or a deacon. (501-623-3233)

Request a Certificate

To request a certificate, please call the church with the following information:

  • Sacrament certificate requested (Baptism, Confirmation, etc.)

  • Full name at the time the sacrament was received

  • Date of birth

  • Date sacrament was received

  • Contact information

  • Name of the person to whom the certificate should be sent along with address, email address or fax number

St. Mary of the Springs
     Catholic Church

Office Hours

8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. 
Monday - Friday


100 Central Ave.
Hot Springs, AR  71901




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